The Delta Career Advancement offers both Accuplacer & ALEKS Placement Testing. Please call 907-895-4605 or contact us to learn more.
How to Schedule Placement Testing
All Placement Testing is done by appointment only. Appointments should be scheduled at least 1 week in advance. Please call 907-895-4605 or contact us to make your appointment, or for additional information.
Please remember that at the end of a semester the office becomes very busy and adequate testing space is limited.
ALEKS University of Alaska Math Placement Test
Learn more or take it now at
Anyone who is planning on taking a UA course that requires mathematics placement are required to take the ALEKS placement test. This test can be complete anywhere with an Internet connection or by appointment at the Delta Career Advancement Center. You have up to 72 hours to complete and can take it up to five times. Plan for up to two hours for this test. You will need to complete 20-30 questions.
ACCUPLACER Placement Test
This is a computerized test that assesses skills in reading, writing, and math. It is used to help determine student success and readiness for specific coursework. All entering associate degree and certificate students are required to provide test scores from the ACCUPLACER, ASSET, ACT OR SAT placement tests. UA Students planning to take a 100-level written communication course need to place into the course from this placement test. Plan for up to two hours for this test. This test is not timed.