The Partners for Progress in Delta, Inc. is committed to preparing adults and youth for long-term employment through an increase in career and technical preparation education and training for those seeking career advancement, university degrees, and continuing education credit. We offer skill development classes and short-term certificate programs essential for workforce development.
Responsiveness to community and industry demand has been a priority. Community interest classes, short-term business-oriented classes, and custom courses have all been offered in response to interest and need. In addition, the consortium can deliver classes from the Delta Career Advancement Center to other locations around the state, and receive classes from other locations through video conferencing at the center. The PPD provides vouchers to offset tuition as a means of introducing and encouraging area residents to take classes.
Specialized classes, workshops, and training opportunities are offered throughout the year and intensive three-week academies are featured during the summer months. Popular classes meeting regional needs include classes in small business marketing, accounting, and computing. Quick Books, English, Communication, Introduction to Archaeological Fieldwork, Anthropology, Certified Nurse Aide, American Sign Language, Microcomputer Spreadsheets, AutoCAD, Photoshop, Human Relations, Computer Business Applications, and Introduction to Academic Writing are but a few of the range of classes offered for university credit in the past four years. In addition, DMTC offers a regular schedule of mine safety and underground mine training courses. The DGSD Construction Trades Program is considered to be one of the top programs throughout the state of Alaska.
At our industry roundtable meetings, we heard that welding training was essential in the area. UAF CTC offered its first welding classes the spring of 2008. Its popularity provided the impetus to launch the first intensive introduction to welding training during June 2008. We offered the second welding academy in 2009.
Young adults, ages 17-21, participate in the intensive three-week program with hands-on welding operation and work ethic instruction. Bechtel National has been a supporter of the Career Center since its investment to help construct the facility. Bechtel welding engineer Gary Goodman presented several “real world” lectures about welding on the job.
The participants in the Welding Academy receive OSHA 10, MSHA, First Aid, and CPR/AED certifications, many taught through founding partner DMTC. They can earn six college credits from UAF Tanana Valley Campus, three credits in Welding I, and three credits in Introductory Pipe Welding. They also receive Drug Awareness training from Alaska Works Partnership.
Alaska Works Partnership continues to work with the Operating Engineers to offer the annual June Heavy Equipment Operator Academy in conjunction with the Partners for Progress in Delta, Inc. An intensive three-week program results in First Aid/CPR/AED certification, hands-on heavy equipment operation, work ethic, and equipment maintenance instruction.
The Partners view the summer academy as a critical component of the organization’s goal to link education and training with real-world work experiences.